Our Services

At Orbit3, we deliver next-gen cloud services to your business, enabling innovation and digital solutions to scale achieving quality outcomes.

High-Speed Performance Assured

Our unique performance tweaks guarantee nothing but the best!

Cloud Security Maturity Model

We help our clients evaluate and develop a maturity model to understand what best practices are currently in place and what gaps should be filled to fulfil compliance requirements
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Cloud Security Assessment

We review cloud security controls and conduct risk assessments based on findings and create best practice target-stage controls.
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Cloud Optimisation

We assist our clients in creating a cloud optimisation model to control public cloud spend and enable governance to get transparency over cloud costs and correct inefficiencies, then combine the recommendations into a DevOps pipeline.
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How our services impact clients business

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Projects meet KPI
Company valuation
Sales conversion
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Noah John
Web developer at Surabaya jatim
Managed Cloud Services
Have peace of mind knowing your cloud is managed by our skilled consultants and take advantage of our advisory and optimisation services.
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